NOTE: Cheaper alternatives to many of the products linked can be found, but you get what you pay for.
Cleanser - make sure your face and hands are wet before applying - use luke warm water and pat dry
Toner - few sprays, feels good
(Optional) Eye serum - tiny amount dabbed under each eye, like insanely small amount
Moisturizer - again, don’t need an insane amount - note: find different moisturizer for oily skin
Sun screen - none of that SPF 15 garbage
(Optional) Pre-cleanser - I don’t even know the difference, but apparently this is good.
Cleanser - make sure your face and hands are wet before applying - use luke warm water and pat dry
Toner - few sprays, feels good
(Optional) Retinol eye serum - tiny amount dabbed under each eye, slightly different than morning stuff
Moisturizer - again, don’t need an insane amount - note: find different moisturizer for oily skin